This is an old-fashioned paper and wax iconset designed to appeal to the steampunk mind, incorporating all the letters from A to Z. You might use them for any replacement icon you wish. Supplied as BMP files only in this zipfile as incorporating all the different types would make a very large zipfile. I'll add the PNG, Windows and other formats in separate zipfiles
This zipfile contains BMP (Windows 24bit format) only.
Suitable for Windows, Blackbox desktop &c - all versions &c.
Here is just one more over 350 steampunk icons that I have created over the last year or so that will leave your Windows or Mac desktop looking absolutely spiffing. There is a whole set of the little thingies and I must say they do look very steampunk indeed! They really are a suitable replacement for the boring old default icons that come with Windows &c.
This iconset and the others like it will spruce up your desktop and give it a bit of Victorian class. Compatible with MobyDock, ObjectDock, RK Launcher, and your default Windows icons.
To View: - You can see all my icons by clicking here:…
I have created a couple of steampunk icon sets but you can download the main one here:…
If you want any new icons then just ask! I am always open to new (or old) ideas - please leave a comment, these icons are quite hard to do and a nice comment makes my day.
The only condition for downloading and using is that you leave feedback. Please leave a message and rate the icons as it is the only payment I get for creating this small desktop addition :D
Thanks! Do enjoy the icon set.
Download there, that's it, just there. Ooh yes, that's lovely, thankyou.