Animated icon: Rubik Cube
Famoso icono del cubo de Rubik... para quien desee ponerlo como animación en su barra de Rocketdock... Es un icono muy vistoso!!!... :)En el paquete se incluye el gif y el png... :)Voten y comenten......
View ArticleUnity Skin
This skin is designed to be positioned on the left and center all the way up to the taskbar.Icons and wallpaper are from Ubuntu and are included.Visual style is UbuntuLight from...
View ArticleSilver Rain for Rainmeter
In a collaboration effort with POWEREDBYOSTX I made these Rainmeter skins to match his Rocketdock. They went so well with the Silver Spirit Reloaded theme I couldn't resist!Three colors of fonts! RED,...
View ArticleFlower Background Pack
Zip archive contain 3 files:1) 1600x1200 pix2) 2800x2800 pix3) 2560x1440 pix
View ArticleAnimated icon: Butterflies
Elegante icono animado para Rocketdock de unas mariposas volando... ideal para los coleccionistas de mariposas o insectos (para seleccionar una carpeta o web)... Se incluye el gif y el png... :)Voten y...
View ArticleBR Case icon set
The BR Case series of icons are designed to look like distributed retail software clamshell cases, or more accurately, blu-ray DVD cases.Some have attention paid to detail, while others are more simple...
View ArticleStealth_DOMINATION!
A whole new approach to Rainmeter skins, so far it's not doing well. This is just the wallpaper. I got the paper from a talented young artist named Moonnique. I modified her design, if indeed it was...
View ArticleSheet Music
Once again me Playing... decided to share it. i think it worked quite well.
View ArticleWatch_Dogs .icon
FIFA 14 . Cell Blacklist . Arkham Origins .
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