Panzer Clock Icon & Yahoo/XWidgets
An icon adapted and updated from a widget design of mine.Provided in the following formats:This Windows ICO file, MAC, ICNS and finder, PNG icon file are all eminently usable on windows/ Mac OS/X /...
View ArticleRegulator Clock Icon and XWidget
An icon adapted and updated from a widget design of mine.Provided in the following formats:This Windows ICO file, MAC, ICNS and finder, PNG icon file are all eminently usable on windows/ Mac OS/X /...
View ArticleWar of the Worlds Tripod Wallpaper
Here is a steampunk desktop wallpaper which fits my laptop screen like a glove. It may well fit yours too. Here is a small screenshot of the wallpaper by itself. I modified an exisitng image by Robert...
View ArticleDirigibles Wallpaper Steampunk Desktop
A trial design for a white wallpaper featuring dirigible airship plans, probably finished, all sizes. I created the plan using Photoshop and weathered it just a little.o Created a crumpled and folded...
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